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Paper Trading As a brokerage firm, we have received many calls regarding paper trading. Many of these callers have a little bit of knowledge that was recently acquired, but have no idea how to apply it to trading. Thats the reason we came up with this Paper Traders Kit". In this kit you will find various tools and information that will assist you in starting and maintaining your paper trading. Some of you may have taken one or more of the many courses that are available to commodity enthusiasts out there, but they all have a similar flaw. None of them teach you how to paper trade. I think we have put together a pretty good package that will aid you in all the steps of paper trading. From gathering information, all the way to figuring profits and losses. Now beginners can feel completely comfortable in trading, and professionals can refine systems and strategies, without risking their funds. Alpha One Trading is pleased to announce its new Futures and Option Paper Trading Program. Utilize our resources and personnel while simulating trades in a real time environment. This is live paper trading. After all, there is no substitute for experience.
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trading commodity futures and options involves risk of loss and may not be suitable for
everyones investment dollars. Only risk capital should be used to trade with. If you
have any questions, please feel free to call or e-mail
us. © 2002 Alpha One Trading. All Rights Reserved. |